July 16, 2020

I've Neglected You

Hey, everyone. It's been awhile, I'm not sorry. I do want to say thank you, I really appreciate all of you that that follow or just stumble upon a post. Obviously it's a crazy time right now, I've been more active on my ig but have missed blogging. My blog doesn't have a definitive style, nor will it, which I love. I know sometimes it might take more time for there to be something you want to see her though. I generally don't like to give people too much insight into myself; that being said I've been feeling compelled to share some deeply personal events and findings in the hopes of it being helpful. I just wanted to give you all a heads up that there may be some sensitive content in the near future. I'm not going to promise a schedule anymore as it disrupts my peace when I fall off track. Talk to you guys soon.


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