January 8, 2019

Top 7 : Movies You Should Watch | HopelessAndFluffy

Everyone enjoys a good movie, everyone enjoys an entertaining movie as well. Tis not a secret some films, particularly the more mainstream films have been more on just the entertaining side. Of course there are still really good films coming out but I decided to make a list of movies that i think everyone should see, movie buff and casual watchers alike. Now seven is clearly not a a lot compared to the amount of movies out in the world and plenty of them are worthy of your viewership, think of this as a starting point. I wanted to make sure the list is diverse so I went for various genres : Historical, Cultural, Sci-fi, Western, Mystery, Young Adult, Thriller and some honorable mentions.

Every time I here the name troy I can't help but laugh. If you've seen the movie you should know why and yes, I know it's the corniest thing ever but laughter's good for the soul.
Historical productions can easily be hit or miss regardless of how small the liberties are taken with the story line but this is a good one and is also recognizable by name which usually draws the attention better as well as it not being a slow burner. 

Asian cinematography is gorgeous! The making of this movie was insane, it's one of the most visually stunning movies I've seen with a great, fucked up story. From beginning to end it's like damn, ya'll are foul and so smart. I do wonder if the actors get migraines from how visually stimulating it is but it's well worth it if they do. All the pieces come together seamlessly, if you love story telling watch this movie.

Now I may be a tad biased as I absolutely adore horses which is the focus of this movie. Not entirely of course but it revolves around a long ass rigorous horse race. Almost all of the westerns I've seen(though not a ton) are quite old and as far as watchability for those that haven't given a thought to westerns or cringe at damsels that always fall off their horse and want a good pace this will probably be more enjoyable. If you are interested in an older western I really enjoyed Track of The Cat.

I don't know who hasn't seen this movie. I also don't know who would disagree with this choice. The cast is on point, the music is beautiful and the setting is great, it's also pretty realistic for a futuristic setting, excluding the creatures but this is sci-fi.

Whether you're fond of religion or not it serves a purpose in this movie and the events that take place a very believable. Manipulation at it's finest, you do need to pay attention but it's not hard to follow and technically it's a happy ending.

We were blessed with Robin Williams and this is the only Jumanji I will acknowledge. I actually haven't seen the new one but as I've seen this one it's fine and yes, I know it's not a remake, that makes no difference to me. This is a classic and every one especially your kids should see this, if they're being bad tell them to get the game from the attic. I'm kidding of course but if they're young enough I'm sure it'd work.

This is a two part film, the first part holds it's own by itself  but it's still good as a whole. Also the lead cast is female if that's something you look forward to. It doesn't have a happy ending though but badass points for women are pretty good. You may become weary of exploratory adventures but that's not the worst thing in the world.

Honorable Mentions

Quinten Tarintino films - Cinematography, Casting and Story
The Dark Knight Trilogy - Great real life adaptation of Batman
Saw - You can do a lot with a little
The Core - Plausible world disaster, may help spark more interest in science class (I'm partial to The Day After Tomorrow but that may just be because I find it hilarious that Mexico denied us, though that scenario is more likey)

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